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TeXas - American Saloon

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The TeXas Saloon is a Country/Western Saloon. An absolute must for those trying to capture the USA experience. The room itself is long and narrow, with a small but long bar and room (wooden floor) for dancing in front of the stage. There are Live Bands on the weekends.Line-dance lessons/workshops are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The club is available for rental for private events as well.This is the place locals insist on taking visitors when touring Frankfurt's nightlife. Check out this special "Honky Tonk" and bring the entire family. You won't be dissappointed by what you see and hear! http://www.

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6 Kommentare

Re: TeXas - American Saloon

TeXas - American Saloon - 22. April 2004 - 17:30

Very funny, Carol,

but have you ever thought about the purpose of this site? Have a look at the headline: art, critique, new media.

How does your offer fit into this?

Re: TeXas - American Saloon

TeXas - American Saloon - 24. April 2004 - 19:40

sie sind ganz schön engstirnig, herr beck. was für eine kunst wünschen sie sich denn auf ihrer seite?

Re: TeXas - American Saloon

TeXas - American Saloon - 24. April 2004 - 23:40

Meinen Sie denn, es ginge bei diesem Texas Salon um Kunst??

Um was für eine Kunst es mir geht, kann man zur Genüge auf diesen Seiten lesen, z.B. mein Artikel über den Kunstverein

Re: TeXas - American Saloon

TeXas - American Saloon - 26. April 2004 - 17:11

it seems to me as if you tried to remodel George Bush's ranch.
Could be really art...

Re: TeXas - American Saloon

TeXas - American Saloon - 01. May 2004 - 21:46

I've visited the saloon years ago, thought it was the german revenge for the bavarian area in Disneyland, wasn't it?
(This is the place locals insist on taking visitors when toring F's nightlive - haven't done so yet but will for sure)

Re: TeXas - American Saloon

TeXas - American Saloon - 02. May 2004 - 20:01

Would you say it'a a Unort (Non-place)?


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