Thing Frankfurt Blog / Artikel

Art forum is looking for Moderators

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We are looking for friendly people to help moderate our boards.
Someone that can bring new ideas for the forum and help promote 3fox.

Unfortunately, this is a non-paying position; however,
you will receive free preview copies and software
support in exchange for your efforts.

- Reviewing new posts twice a week
- Split posts into new threads as necessary
- Lock threads that get out of hand

- You must post here regularly
- You must be above getting into personal conflicts on the board

Moderators jobs are to create a community for site visitors to interact in.
This involves keeping the forum and new posts up to date and interesting.

If you feel you have the time to be one of our Moderators and are interested
in moderating one of the Artwire sections send an e-mail
with a request stating the section you wish to moderate (Art - Music - Miscellaneous),
your willingness to comply with the above conditions and provide
some background on yourself as relates to the subject matter.

Best regards
Jo Wolf

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