Thing Frankfurt Blog / Kalender

atelierfrankfurt :: film and music

10. September 2005

Portikus presents
film and music selections from The Contemporary Library
curated by Adrian Williams and Shannon Bool

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+ nebenan bei trudi.sozial (hohenstaufen 13-25)


videos aus den 90ern

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Programm Atelierfrankfurt

Adrian Williams

Sascha Pohle: Nomansland (4,5 min.)
Vito Accanci & Studio: Courtyard in the wind (4,38 min.) / Richard Leng
in d r Sahara (5:45min.)
Joseph Boys: I like America and America likes me(5:10 min)
Maria Lassnig: Gemalte Gefühle (4:50) / Le Mystére Picasso (6:32)
Lawrence Weiner: 4 minutes 45 Seconds / Blue Moon Over
Daniel Gal: Videos
Gernot Wieland: A Trip to Wales (4:12)

Thomas Schütte: Green Suit Mambo. The bad examples
Rechenzentrum: Tiefenschärfe
Whitehouse: "Wriggle like a Fucking Ed"
Fennesz: Venice. Rivers of Sand
Anne Laplantine: Exerpt from "anne-hamburg"
Carlos Giffoni: The Beauty Of Skylines
Kouhei Matsunaga: For Gemini And Back To Heian
(und anderes)
nal Message -----

Staedelschule C/O:
The Contemporary Library
Duererstrasse 10
60596 Frankfurt am Main

Press Release

The founders of The Contemporary Library would like to
announce its establishment.

The Federal Cultural Foundation of Germany initiated the project "relations"
in 2004, working together with various nations in Eastern Europe towards
cultural exchange. "Missing Identity" (one of "relations" sub projects) is
responsible for a number of activities within Kosovo that provide an avenue
for cultural development. Under the umbrella of both "relations" and
"Missing Identity", young artists from the Staedelschule in Frankfurt,
Germany and Students involved with the Exit art organization in Pristina,
Kosovo, have been provided with the opportunity to realize individual
projects to facilitate this cultural exchange.

The National University Library of Kosovo has welcomed The Contemporary
Library to serve as appendage to the existing library. We have been granted
a portion of the library where we are planning to install the collection in
August, 2005. The Contemporary Library collection is being developed and
executed in both Frankfurt and Kosovo. We are inviting international
artists (both recognized and emerging) to donate two items each: the first
being an artists' publication or catalogue about him/herself, institution,
or group; and the second being a book, video, DVD or music CD that the
artist deems necessary for an artistic education. By working within these
parameters our library will be able to expand into new territories of
interdisciplinary exchange. Our colleagues in Pristina, Kosovo are
producing a parallel collection of books and other materials, which will be
incorporated into the Staedelschule Academy Library in Frankfurt at the same
time. We are inviting artists worldwide to be part of this collection. A
catalogue will be developed and an launched on the "Missing Identity"

We would be grateful for any press coverage that would help further public
awareness of this exciting and ambitious project. We feel that the
proactive nature of The Contemporary Library and its capacity to promote the
sharing of cultural resources and knowledge merits a wide audience.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding
this project. We look forward to your involvement in the development of The
Contemporary Library.


Atelierfrankfurt, Hohenstaufenstr. 13-27, 60327 Ffm


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