Thing Frankfurt Blog / Kalender

"KRACH IM HINTERHAUS" nackt insecten,usurper,neuhausen,buckettovsissors

03. July 2007

Come enjoy Fine Noise from :
Nackt Insecten

atelierhaus B71
bettinastraße 71-73 (hinterhaus)
63067 offenbach

anfahrt über offenbach kaiserlei kreisel, abfahrt novotel bzw. offenbach hafen – an der nächsten ampel links der vorfahrtstraße folgen und in den goethe-ring einbiegen – an der nächsten ampel rechts in die bettinastrasse einbiegen – das atelierhaus liegt auf der linken seite direkt nach der druckerei im hinterhof – bitte im hof nicht parken, nur für anwohner!

Nackt Insecten-(scottland)
Nackt Insecten has a hard, shiny exoskeleton, a prickly exterior, sharp claws for gathering dung and warding off enemies, and goo-grey insides when crushed. His tracks are slow-flow, inside-the-hive jams, developing vertically rather than horizontally, as all good drones should. Consisting mostly (it would seem) of voice trapped and brutalized by a battalion of electronics, this massive slab of rotting harmonics apparently divides neatly into four tracks, but I certainly missed the breaks. Certainly nothing so dainty as movements interrupts the onslaught. Except for a brief excursion into oil-spill seashore sounds near the end of the side, Nackt Insecten adds more to more. But, as the saying goes, there's method. But madness too. Best not to forget the madness…

(mostly) miniscule free-noise tantrums wi busted instruments from the mongs what brought youse Giant Tank and Pizza Boy Delivery. the following audio-jobbies have hit the pan


atelierhaus B71


(---- PDO OK)

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