Thing Frankfurt Blog / Kalender

Phonophon - B. Chattopadhyay & L.M. Riek

07. September 2011

ELEMENTS is a series of performances and live shows in the domain of sound art, incorporating practices of field recording, soundscaping and performing sound compositions live on stage in collaborative spatial setting with particular ears to the elementary sound sources of the nature and acoustic environment. Like its previous exposition of 2008, the 2011 version of this performance tour intends to sustain creative collaboration and extend artistic exchange between two sound artists and practitioners from India and Germany having a common fascination for recording and performing with environmental sound; the two artists, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (India) and Lasse-Marc Riek (Germany).

Autumn Appreciation Society

Die Gesellschaft
- wurde 2008 in Frankfurt gegründet, ab 2009 zwischen Cork und Frankfurt weitergeführt, seit 2011 ist sie wieder in Frankfurt beheimatet.
- produziert ein IDM-Fieldrecording-Noise-Hybrid.
- ist Roland Etzin (Gruenrekorder) und Tobias Schmitt (Acylnimbus, Suspicion Breeds Confidence).


Schmickstrasse 18, 60314 Frankfurt


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